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A Kingdom Athlete simply put is an athlete of the Kingdom of God. Through our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being, we have the ability to train each day; to make life decisions that will glorify God.

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Live your life like you just heard the good news!

Live your life like you just heard the good news!

If someone ran up to you and asked, “Who is the best athlete of all time?”, what would you say? To save you some thought, I googled, “Top 10 Greatest Athletes of All Time”. The list includes names like Messi, Babe Ruth, and coming in fir...

Pride vs. Insecurity

Pride vs. Insecurity

“You’re too much” and “You’re not enough” have something in common. They are both lies that we have been told throughout our lives from ourselves, the media, and the people around us. You can’t come off as too confident because people then think you are too prideful. Yet, you also can’t come off as too humble because then people assume you are insecure. 

All In for Jesus!

All In for Jesus!

While it’s human nature to want what’s best for ourselves, we don’t always know what that looks like. If we’re filling ourselves full with the lies of what well-being looks like to the world, are we ignoring the truths that God is trying to communicate to us? 

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