Our Story
Starting in 2020 myself and a group of friends started going to the gym together. We spent time lifting weights, getting stronger, but most importantly we spent time together in community. In between our workouts, we would have conversations about Jesus and what he was doing in and through us.
Fast forward a year later. That same group of friends were SPREAD out… throughout the country. There were no more early morning Jesus workouts together. This, combined with a new job I dreaded doing, being across the country, and overall a lot of growing pains, left me in a season of horrible mental and physical health.
There was one night in particular I felt the heaviness of depression sinking down on me. I googled, “how to get rid of depression” and the first thing that showed up was “physical exercise”. In that moment, I felt God reminding me of a passion project a group of friends and I used to dream about in our early morning workouts.
This low season of life had a way of sort of slapping me in the face with a reality check. I was neglecting taking good care of myself. I made the connection that my mental and physical well-being were directly tied to my spiritual and emotional well-being… and that God was at the foundation of all 4 of those things.
I quickly understood I wasn’t alone in the way I was feeling, and that this “reality check” that I had was something worth telling others about.
No matter what situation I found myself in - the highs or the lows, the one constant was that I have a never changing, always loving, God. “Training” each day to glorify Him brought a whole new meaning to the decisions and actions I made. Kingdom Athlete was born.